Characteristics of the IAPA Scholarships

The IAPA Scholarship Committee is the administrative body that annually grants, in March / April, a certain number of scholarships to journalists from the Americas to attend a university for a year to improve their skills through graduate studies.

The number of scholarships is determined each year according to the dividends of the IAPA Scholarship Fund. Scholars receive up to US $20,000 for the school year plus transportation costs for a round-trip airfare. Payments are made in installments by transfers from the IAPA administrative office. Students are responsible for any additional expenses. The program does not include stipends for spouses or children.

Scholars in the United States must report their annual income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IAPA may retain the amount established by law.

The granting of the scholarship does not guarantee university enrollment or a student visa. The student must meet these requirements.

The scholarship winners are announced during the IAPA Midyear Meetings in March or April. Each beneficiary will receive an official notification from the IAPA. The scholarship holders must start their studies before September of the following year.